Holy Thursday – Washing of the Feet (Ոտնլուայ)

Washing of the feet

Washing of the feet

In the evening on Holy Thursday, the service of the Washing of the Feet takes place. After the Last Supper Jesus kneeled before His disciples and washed their feet then wiped them with the towel that was tied around His waist (John 13:5). This was an example of modesty and humility as he says: “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:1-20). In ancient times it was accepted to wash the feet of the guests and the elder as an expression of respect and homage.

During the service of the Washing of the Feet the bishop or the priest of the church ascends to the Holy Altar together with the children or the servants of the church. It is customary in the Armenian Church that the Catholicos conducts the Washing of the Feet service at the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. The clergyman blesses the water and the ointment which are put on the Altar with the cross and the Gospel uttering: “May this oil and water be blessed and sanctified”. After the “Saving” prayer the priest takes the towel, kneels and washes the feet of the twelve and anoints them with oil. At the end of the ceremony the Gospel is read mentioning the washing of the feet of the Apostles by Jesus. Jesus washed the feet of the apostles only with water and the use of oil during the service of the Washing of the Feet symbolizes the precious ointment poured by the fallen woman on Jesus. After the service blessed oil is distributed to the faithful for us in their homes. Late in the evening of Holy Thursday the service of Good Friday begins which ends late at night. It is called Khavaroom (darkness) and refers to the sacrament of Holy Friday.

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Date(s) - 28th March 2024
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm

St. Yeghiche Armenian Church

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